Jim Smith

Monday, September 5, 2011

Jim's Portfolio

Arizona Wildlife Views is a publicatiohn of the Arizona Game & Fish Depaermrnt.  It is a monthly publication. 

Human-Wildlife Interactions
(Formerly Human-Wildlife Conflicts) a publication of the Jack H. Berryman Institute.   It is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Utah State University in cooperation with Mississippi State University.  There were over 40-pages of detailed submission guidelines.  This was by far my most difficult writting assignment.  However, once completed it was a pleasure to see my article in print.                                                                                            
Sporting Clays Magazine was a fun magazine to write for.  Most of the time I wrote about happenings with my Thursday shooting group and about Ben Avery Clay Target Center. I had shot trap most of my shooting career and occassional skeet.  When we moved to Arizona I joined the Peoria Gun Club close by here.  Here I got my first experience with sporting clays.  Peoria Gun Club lost their lease 

Boar Hunter Magazine Every once in a whild I get a bug to do something different.  I had hunted feral hogs in Orlando, Florida a few years back. So I decided I would do a feral hog survey of the lower 48 states.  I discovered there was a major problem with feral hogs. Boar Hunter magazine was the only major publication on hunting hogs.  
Grand Times is our communitie's monthly publication.  I had put together a college of cactus flowers and the editor liked it so well it ended up as a cover.  From there, I have written short articles on events within the community.  There have been articles about shooting at Ben Avery, Fishing Club activities, Photo Club activities and even a Birding article or two.

MUSKIE Magazine published my first article in October 1990. I soon became a Field Editor and in August of 2003 was appointed Managing Editor of MUSKIE Magazine. Shortly there after I was appointed Advertising Manager, both positions I held until I retired in November 2007.
MUSKIE Magazine was a 40+ page monthly publication with a circulation of around 5,500 copies.
During my career I imagine I have writer and had published over 1,000 articles on muskies and muskie fishing. In October 2007 I received the distinction of Editor Emertus.  There have oinly been two others so honored in our 40 year history.

Pike & Muskie magazine was started by a fellow back east who wanted to get into the magazine publishing business.  He had a lot of trouble as I imagin he was undercapitalized for a start-up business.  He came out with a new magazine title BIG FISH magazine. 

TRAP SHOOTING USA  is a recent publication originating in the United Kingdom.  It is a very upscale publication.  There are loads of articles and information and most of the bigger competitions from all over the country.  They were good to me and published everything I sent them.  I have enjoyed writing for them.                      

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